How to talk about Christ so that the community could grow? John Chrysostom’s exegesis of Acts 2, 37-47 in the Homily 7 on the Acts of the Apostles

Sylwia Kaczmarek

Wspólnota Loyola , Poland


Chrysostom`s Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles bring a vision for the Church that induced some scholars to think of his communist ideology. Other un­derline his pure stoic principles. Is it really so? The analysis of Homily 7, in which Saint John Chrysostom speaks about the Christian community in Jerusalem, shows that there is something more than the only economy that leads people to become brothers. There is something more than the only perfection of virtues that one should desire. There is also something more than the only demagogic influence of preacher that create the Christian community from the sinners who have crucified Christ. People have their role to play, but there is also someone else who makes the community grow.


John Chrysostom, Acts 2, 37-47, Christ

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Sylwia Kaczmarek 
Wspólnota Loyola


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