The Encounter with Death as an Experience of Non-Presence in the Light of "Confessions" of Saint Augustine

Mariusz Terka

Wyższy Instytut Teologiczny w Częstochowie , Poland


This article is based on the thesis that in mortality the encounter with death is given in the death of loved ones and as an experience of their absence. For Saint Augustine these people are a friend, a mother and a son, whose death he mentions in his Confessions. The article is divided into three parts. The first describes the relations between people. Absence is based on a pre-existing community of values and bonds of love that make one important to the other, and together they are one soul. The second part is a description of the experience Augustine has after the death of his loved ones. It is a painful loss, a misfortune that leaves a wound in the soul and tears it apart. The third part captures death as an experience of absence. It appears as an emptiness that touches the soul. It shows itself as a non-presence, the death as a destructive force. It is mitigated by faith, which allows one to experience non- presence as a abandonment and temporary separation. From the perspective of the Christian faith, death is a momentary, albeit painful parting, and non-presence includes concern for salvation of the loved one and hope for reunion.


pain, absence, suffering, mother, love, misfortune, friend, son, death, los, faith, salvation, eternal life

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Mariusz Terka
Wyższy Instytut Teologiczny w Częstochowie


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