The carpenter and the cross

Jan M. Kozłowski

Uniwersytet Warszawski , Poland


A close relationship exists between Jesus’ death on the cross and the fact that Jesus was a carpenter. Wood, from which the tool of Jesus’ execution was fashioned, was also the dominant element of the Son of God’s everyday expe­rience. In the light of this correspondence one can see God’s plan, according to which there is a strong link not only between Nazareth and Golgotha, but also between the „cross” carried by a Christian and the content of his everyday life.


cross, carpenter, Jesus, Joseph, job, incarnation, Nazareth

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Kozłowski, J. M. (2013). Cieśla i krzyż. Vox Patrum, 60, 183–189.

Jan M. Kozłowski 
Uniwersytet Warszawski


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