Interpretation of the Transfiguration of Jesus in the patristic era. Part 1: Pre-Nicene period

Miroslaw Mejzner

University of Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński, Warsaw , Poland


The aim of the article is an analysis of the reflections on the Transfiguration of Jesus from the pre-Nicene period. The subjects of the research are not only the textual elements of evangelical pericopes from selected authors (gnostic and apocryphal authors, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Methodius of Olympus), but also the close connection between the theological problems of specific ideological circles and the interpretation of biblical texts. The following need to be included in the most important issues emanating from the exegesis of evangelical pericopes in the context of the polemic against the Gnostics: the unity of the Old and New Testament, the resurrection of the flesh, the immutability of the Christ’s nature.


Transfiguration of Jesus, unity of the Holy Scriptures, the resurrection of the flesh, Christ's Divinity, ascension, ascension of the moutain, Gnosticism

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Mejzner, M. (2021). Interpretacja Przemienienia Jezusa w epoce patrystycznej. Część 1: Okres przednicejski. Vox Patrum, 79, 277–298.

Miroslaw Mejzner
University of Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński, Warsaw


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