Σχεσισ and ομοουσιοσ in Gregory of Nyssa’s Contra Eunomium: metaphysical contest and gains to trinitarian thought

Ilaria Vigorelli

Pontifical University of the Holy Cross , Italy


The development of Trinitarian thought that occurred in Gregory of Nyssa’s Contra Eunomium has led some to think that in his debate with Eunomius Gregory introduced a tritheist mode of thinking (G.C. Stead). In having recourse to the scšsij of the Father and of the Son in his polemic with Eunomius, he actually facilitates a recovery of the sense of ÐmooÚsioj in continuity with the doctrine of the two natures as introduced by Athanasius and Basil in the latter’s initial response to Eunomius. However, this simultaneously marks a difference in the notion of fÚsij, which is at the level of divinity and has repercussions even in created nature. This paper seeks to show the substance of this variation, something that on account of Eunomian heresy has been introduced by Gregory of Nyssa.


Gregory of Nyssa, Contra Eunomium, metaphysics, Trinitarian theology

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Vigorelli, I. (2018). Σχεσισ and ομοουσιοσ in Gregory of Nyssa’s Contra Eunomium: metaphysical contest and gains to trinitarian thought. Vox Patrum, 68, 165–177. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.3340

Ilaria Vigorelli 
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross


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