The commonly accepted statement (το ομολογουμενον) as a starting point for a theological discussion – Eunomius and Gregory of Nyssa

Marta Przyszychowska

Uniwersytet Warszawski , Poland


During the debate between Eunomius and Gregory of Nyssa as a basic and irrefutable argument both parties to the conflict used the statement that the the­ses they promoted were commonly accepted. Both of them defined the commonly accepted statement with the Greek term tÕ ÐmologoÚmenon which in the philo­sophical tradition derived from Aristotle meant true and reliable premiss that led to absolute knowledge. In such a meaning that term interchangeably with the expression koinaˆ oennoiai was used not only in philosophy but also in rhetoric. The methods used by Eunomius and Gregory of Nyssa show that their dispute was not what we would today call a religious issue, but a truly scientific/philosophical debate conducted in accordance with the commonly accepted (nomen omen!) rules.


Gregory of Nyssa, Eunomius, Aristotle, Chrysippus, syllogism, demonstration, commonly accepted statement, common notions

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Przyszychowska, M. (2018). The commonly accepted statement (το ομολογουμενον) as a starting point for a theological discussion – Eunomius and Gregory of Nyssa. Vox Patrum, 68, 139–148.

Marta Przyszychowska 
Uniwersytet Warszawski


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