The heretic’s image in Liber apotheosis of aAurelius Prudentius Clemens

Małgorzata Pyzik-Turska

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


This article attempts to show the image of heretics in early Christian poetry. There are presented most characteristic speeches Aurelius Prudentius Clemens – Spanish poet from the turn of the fourth and fifth centuries, contained especially in the Liber Apotheosis and concerning the problem of derogation from the orthodox faith. The sources of heresy are widely discussed as well as all specific vocabu­lary, which is mostly negatively marked.


Prudentius, heretic’s image, poetry, Liber Apotheosis

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Pyzik-Turska, M. (2018). Obraz heretyka w Liber apotheosis Aureliusza Prudencjusza Klemensa. Vox Patrum, 68, 457–464.

Małgorzata Pyzik-Turska 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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