The Efforts of the KGB to Use the Emigree Organisation Santara– Šviesa to Maintain Contact with Occupied Lithuania

Kristina Burinskaitė

Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania, Vilnius , Lithuania


Legitimacy at the international level was important for the Soviet occupation regime in Lithuania and they also wanted to achieve it with the help of the emigrants. Cultural relations were dilemma question for soviets and emigration. Culture had to attract emigrants to their side, to distract from resistance activities, to set emigrants against each other and thus to undermine all Lithuanian liberation activities. However, emigrants were seen as a danger due to the possible influence on the locals, but at the same time they were considered an opportunity to achieve political and propaganda goals. Also it influenced negatively relationship with other emigree organizations, but KGB could not make damage to their relationship remarkably. This publication reveals how and by what means Soviet security sought to use the plans of the liberal emigrants to establish personal and cultural relations with Soviet Lithuania for propaganda, agency, and political purposes of the Soviet regime. It is also important to evaluate whether the KGB has achieved its goals. Official cultural contacts were under full control of the soviet side. They were a cover for the KGB agency and propaganda activities. Despite huge efforts soviet security only partially managed to take advantage of closer contacts between emigrants and Lithuania. It can be said that emigrants only partially knew and evaluated the capabilities and methods of the KGB. They did not know how widely the KGB sought to use these connections to harm emigrants. It is believed that personal contacts were safer for emigrants’ organizations. Perhaps the KGB was most fortunate to use these contacts while performing discreditation and promoting the achievements of the soviet regime.


KGB, émigré, agents, culture, propaganda

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Burinskaitė , K. (2022). The Efforts of the KGB to Use the Emigree Organisation Santara– Šviesa to Maintain Contact with Occupied Lithuania. The Exile History Review, (1), 47–59.

Kristina Burinskaitė
Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania, Vilnius


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