Unknown Documents Related to Gen. Wacław Scaevola- -Wieczorkiewicz from the World War II Period

Grzegorz Kulka

University of Wroclaw , Poland



 Gen. Wacław Scaevola-Wieczorkiewicz was renowned for his commanding abilities, courage and conscientious character since the days of the legions. This caused him to quickly climb the military career ladder in the Second Republic. During this time, he acquired practical and theoretical experience, which earned him the general’s rank in 1927. He served longest in the military unit in Jarosław (1926–1935), to spend the last years before the outbreak of war at DOK (Corps District Command) number X in Przemyśl as its commander. During World War II (after the Polish campaign) he emigrated, thus beginning his soldier-refugee life. Among other places, he stayed in France (where he was assigned in the Chief Commander’s Training Inspectorate) and then in Switzerland, where he remained after the war until his death in 1969. This publication presents two hitherto unknown documents created during World War II, which concerned the person of Gen. W. Scaevola-Wieczorkiewicz. According to them, he was accused of abusing his authority as an officer in the construction of his own house in Rozwadów, near StalowaWola, and had to clarify the matter. This was important, since at that time several institutions were established in exile that sought and collected information that could later become the basis for lawsuits, especially against those associated with the pre-war Sanation. Those undoubtedly included Gen. W. Scaevola-Wieczorkiewicz. Presumably, the so-called “strong evidence” could not be collected, as Gen. Scaevola-Wieczorkiewicz did not appear in court as a defendant. Nonetheless, these two documents show, on the one hand, a meticulous effort to hold the previous power camp accountable and to remove it from any real influence on Polish refugee state policy, and on the other, they make clear the multifaceted nature of the potential allegations that could have formed the basis for an indictment. 


Gen. Scaevola-Wieczorkiewicz, Registration Office of the Ministry of Military Affairs, World War II

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Kulka, G. (2023). Unknown Documents Related to Gen. Wacław Scaevola- -Wieczorkiewicz from the World War II Period. The Exile History Review, (2), 189–197. https://doi.org/10.31743/ehr.16816


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