Exiles on Main Street: The Centrality of Exile in Transatlantic Relations

Giles Scott-Smith

Leiden University , Netherlands


This article explores the meaning of exile in political theory and its importance within our understanding of political organization and more specifically transatlantic relations. Attention for the political ramifications of the movement of people across borders is divided among the study of diasporas, forced migration, and cultural transfer, as well as exile. The article covers the definition of the term and its use in the Western political tradition, focusing on its meaning and its relevance for conceptions of political progress under modernity. By examining the use of “exile” in relation to Latin American politics, the article puts forward a contrasting critical sketch of exile in transatlantic relations through the 20th century.


exile, diaspora, forced migration, cultural transfer, cold war, transatlantic relations

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Scott-Smith, G. (2023). Exiles on Main Street: The Centrality of Exile in Transatlantic Relations. The Exile History Review, (2), 11–28. https://doi.org/10.31743/ehr.16817


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