
Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The paper has not been previously published or sent for review to another journal or edited volume.
  • The paper is fully original and does not infiringe any third-party rights. Any other works (or parts thereof) mentioned or included in the text have been properly cited.
  • All authors have contributed significantly to the paper, there is no conflict of interests between the authors, and no ghostwriting or guest authorship has taken place.
  • All information concerning the contibution of other persons and institutions to the paper and the study reported therein has been appropriately disclosed.
  • All information concerning any sources of funding (i.e., institutional, private or corporate financial suport) for the study reported in the paper has been appropriately disclosed.
  • All information allowing identification of the auhor(s) has been removed from the submission file.
  • The manuscript adheres to the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The submission file includes an abstract of 100-150 words, 3-5 keywords and a list of references.
  • The submission file is DOCX (preferable), DOC, ODT or RTF.
  • The author provided his/her individual ORCID number in the registration form.



Acta Mediaevalia. Series Nova is a journal published once a year by the Centre for Medieval Studies at the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin. We accept articles, text editions and reviews that have not been published previously.


  • We accept submissions that deal with the history of the Middle Ages, including the material and intellectual history of that period; texts representing all branches of Medieval Studies are welcome
  • Submissions should focus mainly on the history of Central and Eastern Europe (there may be exceptions to this rule if they are justified)
  • Submissions should be limited to the years 700-1550; for overviews and interdisciplinary research texts going beyond this time frame are welcome

Submissions will be considered for publication if the following criteria are met:

  • They have not been previously published

If you want to submit a text for reprinting, please contact us:

  • They have not been submitted elsewhere
  • They comply with the style guide of the journal (§1) and they follow the journal’s standards of ethics (§2). By submitting, the author agrees to the peer review procedure described below (§3).

There are no submission or publication fees for this journal.

If you have any questions, please contact the Editorial Board:


1.1. Languages

  • English
  • French
  • German

Submissions in English are preferred, but we also welcome texts in French and German. A high level of language proficiency is a condition for considering the paper for publication.  We do not offer translation services into English, French or German, but we guarantee professional proofreading and copyediting in these languages.

1.2 How to submit

  • Use the submission form at [LINK]

Go to [LINK] for the most recent call for papers.

1.3 What to include in the submission

  • The submission paper as a Word document (with a .doc or .docx extension)
  • If it is likely that the file will not open properly on a device other than the author’s, a .pdf file may be added
  • Information about the author: name, surname, academic degree, affiliation, e-mail address, postal address, the author’s ORCID number
  • If images such as photographs, maps, tables, etc. are used in the paper, each image must be submitted additionally in a separate file. The author bears responsibility for clearing all copyright issues.

1.4 The submission paper

  • An article should be no longer than 45,000 characters with spaces inclusive of references and footnotes, exclusive of an abstract and keywords
  • A review should not exceed 8,000 characters (ca. 4 pages)
  • An article should be supplied with a bibliography
  • An abstract must be written in English and it should be 100-150 words long
  • 3 to 5 key words must be written in English
  • The footnotes and references should follow the Chicago Style (LINK)

Please pay special attention to the following issues:

  • Use shortened titles instead of ibid., ibidem, etc.
  • Use appropriate inverted commas: „Acta Mediaevalia”, “Acta Mediaevalia”
  • Put commas and full stops within the inverted commas: John Smith claims that “xyz,” but John Brown claims that “abc.”
  • Put reference marks for footnotes after an inverted comma, full stop or comma: John Smith claims that A,1 but John Brown says “B,”2 in my opinion it is C.3

Any doubts and issues are settled by the Editorial Board after consulting with the author.