
Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submitted article or other type of publication is original. It does not infringe third-party rights and has not been previously published or sent for review to another journal or edited volume.
  • The submission is not a subject of publication procedures in another journal or edited volume.
  • Any other works (or parts thereof) mentioned or included in the text have been properly cited.
  • The submission file is .doc (preferable) or .docx.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the ‘Guidelines for Authors,’ with the full bibliography provided at the end. Please pay particular attention to the following points:

    a. The submitted text should be sent in Microsoft Word (preferable), in .doc or .docx format, Times New Roman font, 12p, double-spaced in the text and single-spaced in the footnotes.

    b. If there are any images, diagrams, etc. to be included in the text, they are submitted in separate, accordingly labelled files and have their place in the text clearly marked.
  • I declare that I have the right to dispose the materials placed in the manuscript, such as, texts, photos, maps, graphics, etc., and that their use does not infringe any rights of third parties.
  • All information allowing identification of the author(s) has been removed from the submission file.
  • Submission files include a required separate file with author’s full name, academic degree, a brief description of academic (college, university) affiliation or professional (e.g. museum, archive, library) position (if applicable), city, country, email address and ORCID number.
  • I declare that all relevant information about the contribution of other persons and institutions participating in the drawing up of the text (i.e., institutional, private or corporate financial support) has been provided and I exclude any ‘ghostwriting’ and ‘guest authorship’ in the present submission. I am also aware of the legal and scientific consequences of a false disclosure concerning ghostwriting and guest authorship.
  • I declare that the article was written without the use of artificial intelligence tools (AI). If this is not the case, please include an appropriate explanation in the ‘Comments to the editor’ section (what kind of tools were used and to what extent).


  1. Acta Mediaevalia. Series Nova is an academic journal published every December by the Centre for Medieval Studies at the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin.
  2. Before you consider submitting your article to our journal, please make sure that its subject suits our current call for papers, which you can find here:
  3. Texts published in Acta Mediaevalia. Series Nova should have a strictly scholarly character and are expected to conform to the requirements described below. If a manuscript departs from these instructions in major ways, it may be returned to the author for corrections before it is considered for publication. 
  4. We accept texts written in English. Please use our journal’s platform to submit your paper – this will facilitate contact and further cooperation. Unless you have published with us before, you need to register first ( and then you can submit your paper (
  5. Articles submitted for publication in Acta Mediaevalia. Series Nova are reviewed in such a way as to ensure their essential originality in terms of concept, presentation and wording. They will be checked for their originality with the iThenticate anti-plagiarism program.
  6. Your article should be between 25,000 and 45,000 characters with spaces, inclusive of references and footnotes and exclusive of abstract and keywords.
  7. Book reviews should not exceed 8,000 characters and may include footnotes, but they are not obligatory.
  8. Please use Times New Roman, 12 for all main text and embedded quotes and Times New Roman, 10 for footnotes. Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced (footnotes: single-spaced) and pages numbered consecutively throughout, preferably in the lower right-hand corner.
  9. Please provide an abstract of 200–250 words and 3 to 5 keywords.
  10. Editors of Acta Mediaevalia. Series Nova reserve the right to make stylistic emendations in all manuscripts approved for publication. Before publication, authors will receive a .docx version of their edited text and also a PDF version of the proofs of their submission, for correction.
  11. The guidelines for bibliographical references and for writing can be found in the ‘Guidelines for Authors’ PDF document here: Guidelines for Authors