•  The peer review procedure begins with the preliminary selection process conducted by the Editorial Board. After accepting the manuscript for the next stage, it is submitted to two independent reviewers. There should be no conflict of interest between the reviewers and the author (see §2.3).
  • Submissions go through a double blind review. Reviewers are selected from the best experts in the field of research presented in an article. The reviewers are given review forms available on the website [LINK]. Completing the form will be concluded with one of the following decisions:
  • The text is recommended for publication as it is
  • The text is recommended for publication conditional on revisions
  • The text is not recommended for publication

Reviewers are requested to offer unequivocal conclusions.

  • If the conclusion of both reviews is that a text is not recommended for publication, the submission is rejected.

If the conclusion of one review is that the text is not recommended for publication, the Editorial Board takes the decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of a submission.

If the conclusion of one review is that the text is not recommended for publication, the reviewer may suggest major changes to the author which, in the reviewer’s view, would render the manuscript acceptable. These remarks would be passed on to the author by the Editorial Board.


  • The author is notified about the acceptance or rejection of their paper within the deadline which is set by the Editorial Board once the submitted paper has been received.