Issue of the boundaries between good and evil in theological-moral discourse

René Balák

Piešťany, Slovakia , Slovakia


Hardly any problem in contemporary theological-moral discourse causes such turbulence as the searching, reflection, and demarcation of the boundaries between good and evil in human acting. A fundamental problem is a criterion or a reference point according to which a person could reliably determine what is good and evil. Divergent theological views in the theological-moral dimension seem to have caused the clear boundaries between good and evil to disappear. Therefore, the crucial question is whether there is still a universal criterion for theological evaluation of a human act, as the situation in theological-moral discourse resembles an areopagus of opinions that have no common point in distinguishing between good and evil. This reflection examines the possibility if the Thomistic ethical analysis of a human act, together with the principle of double effect, may be a reference point for the demarcation of these boundaries.


good, evil, boundaries, conscience, ethical norm, moral theology, bioethics

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Balák, R. (2021). Issue of the boundaries between good and evil in theological-moral discourse. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (16), 155–173.