Revelation as the Mediation of the Unconditional in the Contidioned Reality in the Thought of Paul Tillich
Marcin Walczak
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland
The idea of revelation is closely related in theology with the idea of mediation. Present article analyzes the meaning of the concept of revelation and its relation to the category of mediation in the theological thought of Paul Tillich, one of the great Protestant theologians and philosophers of the twentieth century. Tillich's doctrine of God assumes inconceivable closeness and, at the same time, transcendence of the Ultimate Reality. However, it also assumes that God reveals Himself to man through the elements of temporal reality. The first part of the article therefore deals with Tillich's understanding of revelation. In the next part, we will analyze the question of the final form of God's revelation, which, according to Tillich, is Jesus Christ. Finally, in the concluding third part, the concept of revelation will be presented in the key of mediation. Through revelation, the incomprehensible God mediates in the world so that man can recognize His closeness and presence. The revelatory mediation in this optics does not mean that the immediate closeness of God is denied, but leads to it and shows it.
Paul Tillich, revelation, mediation, cognition of God, final revelationReferences
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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
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