The "Cathedral" of Catholic Theology

Tracey Rowland

University of Notre Dame (Australia) , Australia


In the third decade of the twenty-first century the “cathedral” of Catholic theology has suffered some structural assaults and the way forward is a contemporary “hot topic”. This paper argues against the idea, common among Catholics of the millennial generation, that we simply need to “reboot” the system to 1959 and restore the framework of “Strict Observance Neo-Scholasticism”.  Instead it suggests that attention needs to be given to the structure itself, to issues in fundamental theology, and the relationships or “joints” in the framework of Catholic theology, along the lines recommended by Joseph Ratzinger and others in his theological circle.


fundamental theology, evangelization, the “religion of the world”, synodality, sensus fidelium, logos and ethos, Joseph Ratzinger

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Rowland, T. (2022). The "Cathedral" of Catholic Theology. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (17), 135–149.

Tracey Rowland
University of Notre Dame (Australia)