Fundamental Theology in Relation to the Scientific Character of Theology

Tadeusz Dola

Uniwersytet Opolski , Poland


The aim of this article is to demonstrate the contribution of fundamental theology to meta- theological research. The main considerations are introduced by a brief presentation of the main stages of development of the theory of theology. This renders it possible to indicate at which moment fundamental theology enters the meta-theological research and to present the research in this area. The participation of fundamental theology in these investigations is presented in two parts: (1) fundamental theological research in the area of the general theory of theology and (2) in the area of the theory of fundamental theology. In both areas, fundamental theology has a good number of publications and significant substantive achievements. This is undoubtedly due to the inclusion of meta-theology by many fundamental theologians as being important subjects of their research. Important, too, is the acknowledgement that fundamental theology, more than other theological disciplines, is predestined to carry out this type of investigation. 


theology, fundamental theology, scientific character, meta-theoloogy, language, methodology

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