Secularization, Models of the Church, and Spirituality

The Future of the Church In Light of Today’s Trends

Ferenc Patsch

Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma , Italy


This paper has an ambitious aim: to predict the future of the Church. How can anyone undertake such an enterprise since the one thing we know for certain about history is omnia aliter, that is, everything will be different than we once imagined. However, such a project is not as unfeasible as it seems. In the footsteps of literary critics, economists, historians, political scientists, philosophers, and theologians, we sketch some of the most likely shifts in the light of already-observable trends using the finest hermeneutics available. First, we interpret the most significant global trend today: secularization (sections 1). Second, we present and evaluate current models for the future of the Church, paying particular attention to the Magisterium of Pope Francis (sections 2). Finally, we predict likely developments in the area of spirituality (sections 3). In setting out to write academically about futuristic topics, we are aware that one looks to the future not so much to predict it accurately, as to shape it.


Secularization, Spirituality, Future of the Church, Pope Francis, Trends, Models of the Church

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Patsch, F. (2022). Secularization, Models of the Church, and Spirituality . Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (17), 151–184.

Ferenc Patsch
Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma