Joseph Ratzinger’s theology of religion

Some introductory notes

Andrzej Michalik

Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie , Poland


Joseph Ratzinger warns about a multitude of trials to superficially undertake the subject of religion. In this diverse world of religion, he sees some common points. The first step in the history of religion was to transcend the primitive, moving into myth. Second, most important step, was to leave the myth behind. This leaving is threefold – which is represented by three irreducible shapes of religion: the identity mysticism, the monotheistic revolution and the enlightenment. An expression of the first two are, respectively: the identity mysticism and the personal love mysticism. The fact that religions are affecting each other must not be omitted, either. The place of Christianity in the history of religion – nota bene gained by both, the dialogue with other religions and standing against them – defines standing with the God of faith and the God of the philosophers, and the decisive choice of faith and mind together with the truth and the cult. In his thoughts concerning the dialogue of religions, J. Ratzinger points out two types: the mystical and theist, of the religion. Along them walks as a temptation the pragmatic type, in which the question about the truth is ignored. The result of the dialogue of the religions will not be a unification of all religions. In this dialogue, the truth cannot be ignored. At last, it cannot be forgotten that there is a religio vera, and that it is Christianity.




Joseph Ratzinger, the theology of religion, interreligious dialogue, christianity, religio vera.

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Michalik, A. (2020). Josepha Ratzingera teologia religii. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (12), 49–68. Retrieved from

Andrzej Michalik 
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie

Andrzej Michalik (ur. 1955), doktor habilitowany teologii, wykładowca teologii fundamentalnej i religiologii na Wydziale Teologicznym Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie Sekcja w Tarnowie. Rektor Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego w Tarnowie. Członek Stowarzyszenia Teologów Fundamentalnych w Polsce i Tarnowskiego Koła Teologicznego. Główne dziedziny naukowych zainteresowań to teologia fundamentalna i teologia pastoralna. Opublikował Duszpasterz wczoraj, dziś i jutro (1997), Odkryć Sobór. Szkic historyczno-teologiczny Soboru Watykańskiego II (2006), Zrozumieć chrześcijaństwo. Istota chrześcijaństwa według Josepha Ratzingera (2008),  Poznać „starszego brata”. Szkice z historii, religii i kultury Żydów (2011). Adres do korespondencji: