Knowing God in History: The Discussion between Joseph Ratzinger and Walter Kasper

Jacek Kempa

Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice , Poland


Lessing’s question about knowing God (the Absolute) in history has been a constant challenge for modern theology. The article collates views of Joseph Ratzinger and Walter Kasper on this subject. A clear difference was noticed: Kasper decidedly gives priority to history and revelation in it, whereas Ratzinger puts stress on the idea of the priority of God and in its light interprets revelation and history. Two different types of theology emerge here. They manifest themselves in different ways of presenting Christology. The former originates from the historical witness to Jesus and on this basis strives to construct a coherent picture of the incarnated Son of God’s identity. The latter originates from – resulting from the Church’s faith – an assumption about the unity of the Scripture and presents in this light the witness of the Gospel to Jesus. A thesis is proposed that both types of theology need each other, although it is not possible to harmonize them.



theology of history, Walter Kasper, Joseph Ratzinger.

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Jacek Kempa 
Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice

Jacek Kempa (ur. 1964), kapłan Archidiecezji Katowickiej, teolog dogmatyk, doktor habilitowany teologii, adiunkt na Wydziale Teologicznym Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach. Redaktor naczelny "Śląskich Studiów Historyczno-Teologicznych". Obszary badawcze: soteriologia średniowieczna i współczesna oraz prolegomena teologii. Opublikował Konieczność zbawienia. Antropologiczne założenia soteriologii Anzelma z Canterbury (2009); (red.) Zbawieni przez ofiarę? Historia i perspektywy centralnej kategorii soteriologicznej (2012); (red. wraz z Martą Giglok) Słowo, doświadczenie, tajemnica (2015). Adres do korespondencji: