Matthew 5,17: What did Jesus say in dialogue with Rabbis?

Massimo Gargiulo


Mt 5,17-20 can be fully understood in the context of the hermeneutic work of the Jewish rabbis; the words used by Jesus refer to their exegetical methods and to the idea that the Torah cannot be modified. Jesus' position anticipates one of the main elements of rabbinic Judaism. Given this context, this paper offers a new hypothesis about the original Aramaic version of Jesus' words on the Torah's fulfilment, in a time when the Pharisee's position was starting to impose the importance of oral tradition alongside the written word of God. Using the root gmr Jesus enters into dialogue with contemporary Judaism, putting forward his own idea of fulfilment.

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Gargiulo, M. (2020). Matthew 5,17: What did Jesus say in dialogue with Rabbis?. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (11), 33–48. Retrieved from

Massimo Gargiulo 

Ur. 1975 r., wykładał w Uniwersytecie „La Sapienza” w Rzymie, obecnie jest docentem w Centrum Kardynała Bea Papieskiego Uniwersytetu Gregoriańskiego w Rzymie. Obszary zainteresowań badawczych: Biblia i literatura pokrewna, religia i ruchy religijne, judaizm rabiniczny, literatura starożytna, języki biblijne.  Opublikował B. Spinoza, Compendio di grammatica della lingua ebraica, a cura di P. Totaro, traduzione e note di M. Gargiulo, Firenze 2013; Paralipomeni I – II, introduzione, traduzione e commento di M. Gargiulo, w: P.G. Borbone (red.), La Bibbia dei Settanta, vol. II Libri storici, Brescia 2016; Maccabei IV, introduzione, traduzione e commento di M. Gargiulo, in P.G. Borbone (a cura di), La Bibbia dei Settanta, vol. II Libri storici, Brescia 2016; 1-2 Samuele, introduzione, traduzione e commento di Massimo Gargiulo, Nuova versione della Bibbia dai testi antichi, Milano (w druku). Adres do korespondencji: