Żydzi i judaizm w Dialogu z Żydem Tryfonem Justyna Męczennika

Leszek Misiarczyk



In the polemic with Marcionism, Justin defends the value of the Old Testament for Christians, even after the coming of Christ. In his attitude to Judaism we can find very different views. In the Mosaic Law, which is the codification of natural law,  Justin sees the rules which continue to be valuable not only for Christians but for all people. In the elements of the Mosaic Law heralding the mysteries of Christ and the rules given to Jews because of the hardness of their hearts they lost their significance along with the coming of Christ. In the second part of the Dialogue where there is the discussion regarding the messianic and divine identity of Jesus, Justin essentially bases his thesis on the interpretation of the relevant texts of the Old Testament. Sometimes he just makes a malicious remark about Jews who do not recognize Jesus as the promised Messiah and Son of God, because they do not understand the Old Testament and the concept of a “second God”. Most anti-Jewish part of the Dialogue is the last part where Justin clearly states the theory of substitution that Christians are now the new people of God who took the place of Israel rejected by God. The common element of Judaism and Christianity is the belief in God's revelation contained in the Old Testament; what instead makes a difference between these two religions is the understanding and interpretation of the Scriptures.


Justin Martyr, Jews, Judaism


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Misiarczyk, L. (2020). Żydzi i judaizm w Dialogu z Żydem Tryfonem Justyna Męczennika. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (11), 65–88. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.kul.pl/index.php/snt/article/view/6091

Leszek Misiarczyk 

Ur. 1964, kapłan diecezji płockiej. Doktor teologii i nauk patrystycznych, doktor habilitowany nauk humanistycznych w zakresie historii. Od 1997 roku wykładowca w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym w Płocku, a od 2000 roku Akademii Teologii Katolickiej oraz Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie. Prowadzi badania m.in. z zakresu problematyki Ojców Apostolskich, relacji chrześcijaństwa antycznego i judaizmu, wczesnochrześcijańskiej apologetyki, monastycyzmu wczesnochrześcijańskiego. Opublikował m.in. Il Midrash nel Dialogo con Trifone di Giustino Martire, Płock 1999; Ojcowie Kościoła komentują Biblię, tom II. Ewangelia Marka, Apostolicum Ząbki 2009; Osiem logismoi w pismach Ewagriusza z Pontu, Kraków-Tyniec 2007; Egzorcyzmy w Kościele starożytnym od I do III wieku, Warszawa 2015. Adres do korespondencji: l.misiarczyk@uksw.edu.pl