Idea trzech Testamentów Klemensa z Aleksandrii

Józef Grzywaczewski


The article presents the concept of the three Testaments presented by Clement of Alexandria: the Greek or Hellenic Testament (diatheke tôn Hellenôn), i. e. philosophy; the Hebrew Testament (diatheke tôn Judaiôn), i.e. the teaching of the prophets and the Law; and the Christian Testament (diatheke tôn christianôn), i.e. the message of Christ explained by the apostles. Both the Greek Testament and the Hebrew Testament were inspired by God, but not in the same way. The prophets proclaimed the pure message of God. The teaching of the philosophers contains some elements of the Truth, but there are also purely human ideas. By philosophy, Clement understood also intellectual training. Philosophy can be considered as God’s gift granted to the Greek, as the Law has to be considered as God’s gift granted to the Jews. The Jewish people were led to Christ by the Law and the prophets; the Greek people were led to Christ by philosophy. Both nations meet in the Church, i.e. in the School of the Logos. The knowledge of prophesies enabled the Jewish people to accept Christ as the Messiah. The philosophical training enabled the Greek people to understand and to analyse the message of Christ. In this way, the Greek Testament and the Hebrew Testament were completed by the Gospel, i.e. by the New Testament.


The Hebrew Testament, the Hellenic Testament, the Christian Testament

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Grzywaczewski, J. (2020). Idea trzech Testamentów Klemensa z Aleksandrii. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (11), 89–108. Retrieved from

Józef Grzywaczewski 

Ur. 1952 r., kapłan diecezji siedleckiej, doktor habilitowany, profesor Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie, patrolog. Doktorat na KUL-u w 1986 roku, w latach 1998-2013 rektor Polskiego Seminarium w Paryżu, prowadził wykłady z patrologii w Instytucie Katolickim w Paryżu. Autor publikacji z dziedziny teologii patrystycznej i historii Kościoła. Obszary badań naukowych: teologia okresu pierwszych Soborów powszechnych: Nicea I (325) - Chalcedon (451); Galia V-VI wiek - historia i życie religijne, w tym teologia. Opublikował Modlitwa dojrzałego chrześcijanina według Klemensa Aleksandryjskiego, wyd. I Niepokalanów 2010, wyd. II Niepokalanów 2013; Prayer of God's Friend according to Clement of Alexandria, Lublin 2012; La religion catholique en Pologne dans le contexte d'autres pays d'Europe, Lublin 2012; La relation du Fils au P?re dans les conceptions théologiques des origines au Concile de Nicée, wyd. I Paris 2010, wyd. II, Paris 2012; Appointing Bishops in the Patristic Times, Lublin 2013. Adres do korespondencji: