Mysticism in Everyday Life: Calling for a Reform and Development of the Church

Andrzej Napiórkowski

Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie , Poland


This presentation outlines the movement of the contemporary Church away from the institutional ecclesiology. Within the context of the post-conciliar ecclesiology and being inspired by the thought of Y. Congar, I have developed 5 principles of reform (the Word of God and liturgy, love and witness, anthropological, ecumenical, interreligious). I have also submitted a few practical indications of this reform (tradition and modernity, unity with a whole, freedom and moral standards, respect for the transcendental reality) in order to perform it. The reform of the Church properly understood becomes her development, which should be seen as a long process, inscribed in the history of the Church as well as in the life of a believer. In their everyday life today’s mystics follow this way of the Church’s development and of their own conversion. Mysticism is not just for those who have been specially elected, but by the grace of Baptism, every Christian is called to holiness and to the practice of mysticism. Even not being aware of it, many are practicing it. Thus those principles and indications of the ecclesial reform also apply to our everyday life of following Christ in his Church.


institutional ecclesiology, reform, principles of reform, growth, development, the Church, mysticism, baptism.

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Napiórkowski, A. (2020). Mistyka w codzienności: Postulat dla reformy i rozwoju Kościoła. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (6-7), 71–88. Retrieved from

Andrzej Napiórkowski 
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie

Andrzej A. Napiórkowski ur. w 1962 r.; paulin; prof. dr hab.; kierownik Katedry Eklezjologii na Wydziale Teologicznym Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie. W latach 2002-2008 był rektorem Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego Ojców Paulinów w Krakowie oraz przeorem klasztoru Na Skałce; badania naukowe prowadzi w zakresie: eklezjologii integralnej, chrystologii fundamentalnej, ekumenizmu i kwestii usprawiedliwienia, mariologii, tematyki pastoralnej i okolicznościowej; dorobek obejmuje blisko 200 publikacji; opublikował książkę Reforma i rozwój Kościoła (Kraków 2012).