A new conception of the resurrection? Critical remarks on the margin of the book of Philip Clayton and Steven Knapp “The Predicament of Belief. Science, Philosophy, Faith”

Paweł Sokołowski

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie , Poland


This article presented the critical remarks relating to the understanding of the resurrection, proposed by Ph. Clayton and S. Knapp in their book The Predicament of Belief. Science, Philosophy, Faith. The main objections relate to the incorrect putting the research problem, that is interpretation of the resurrection compatible with modern science and erroneous approach to the New Testament’s relations about the resurrection of Christ. A way of solving of this problem is also causing reservations, that is to support the proposed understanding of the resurrection on the theory of emergence, its participatory approach and an understanding of the resurrection appearances as the personal but nonphysical theory of Jesus’ postmortem presence. Doubts are also caused by panentheism, and above all by the rejection of the deity of Jesus Christ. Taking all this into account, it turns out that the resurrection becomes subjective and deeply spiritual event, and the divine action is performed by the impact on the human minds and is not a miraculous event, and it does not suspend the laws of nature. According to the authors, such an approach is compatible with modern science. It is doubtful, however, whether their understanding of the resurrection of Christ makes it possible to understand the phenomenon of Christianity.


resurrection of Christ, resurrection appearances, process theology, emergentism.

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Sokołowski, P. (2020). Nowa koncepcja zmartwychwstania? Uwagi krytyczne na marginesie książki Philipa Claytona Knappa „The predicament of belief, science, philosophy, faith”. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (6-7), 165–188. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.kul.pl/index.php/snt/article/view/6121

Paweł Sokołowski 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie

Paweł Sokołowski ‒ ur. w 1981 r.; dr, od 2011 r. adiunkt w Instytucie Leksykografii Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II; członek Stowarzyszenia Teologów Fundamentalnych w Polsce; badania naukowe prowadzi w zakresie: argumentacji w teologii fundamentalnej, teologii religii, dialogu międzyreligijnego i teologii procesu; opublikował kilkanaście artykułów naukowych, popularnonaukowych i recenzji, ponad 40. haseł encyklopedycznych oraz książkę Objawiona miłość. Agapetologiczna wiarygodność chrześcijaństwa (Lublin 2011).
