Panenteizm jako postmodernistyczne objawienie? Kilka uwag krytycznych na marginesie książki Davida Ray’a Griffina Panentheism and scientific naturalism

Paweł Sokołowski


This article presented some critical remarks relating to the understanding of the panentheism as a postmodern revelation, proposed by David Ray Griffin in his book Panentheism and Scientific Naturalism. Rethinking Evil, Morality, Religious Experience, Religious Pluralism, and the Academic Study of Religion. The main objection relates to the question that the American philosopher and theologian presents the philosophical, not theological conception of revelation. In addition he used the assumptions taken from process philosophy of A.N. Whitehead to construct this conception. The result of these assumptions is a new and original understanding of postmodernism. According to these assumptions panentheism is a conception that reflects properly the God-world relationship. Moreover, panentheism, as Griffin said, avoids mistakes of classical theism and extremes of early and late modernity. This panentheism is an integral part of naturalismppp. Griffin’s attempt to equate panentheism and revelation is based on the interaction recognized by him between God and the world. It manifests in the religious experiences and in the human drive to discover truth, which is, as Griffin said, a divinely-instilled drive. Process panentheism is the attempt to reconcile this revelation with the revelation that comes to us through the Abrahamic and other theistic traditions. But it is difficult to accept that the revelation that comes to us from these religions, especially the revelation realized in Jesus Christ, gave rise to the recognition of the God-world relationship in terms of panentheism proposed by process theology.


David Ray Griffin, revelation, panetheism, postmodernism, process theology.

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Sokołowski, P. (2020). Panenteizm jako postmodernistyczne objawienie? Kilka uwag krytycznych na marginesie książki Davida Ray’a Griffina Panentheism and scientific naturalism. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (10), 221–242. Retrieved from

Paweł Sokołowski 

Doktor teologii, redaktor w wydawnictwie „Monumen” (wcześniej adiunkt w Instytucie Leksykografii KUL). Członek Stowarzyszenia Teologów Fundamentalnych w Polsce; badania naukowe prowadzi w zakresie argumentacji w teologii fundamentalnej, teologii religii oraz teologii procesu. Opublikował kilkanaście artykułów naukowych, popularnonaukowych i recenzji, niemal 50 haseł encyklopedycznych oraz monografię Objawiona miłość. Agapetologiczna wiarygodność chrześcijaństwa (2011). Adres do korespondencji: