Źródła sekularności. Analiza wybranych aspektów sekularyzacji

Maciej Hułas


Secularity is a historical product of modern ages that signaled a diminishing role of transcendence in public as well as individual life, changing effectively the common understanding of key social institutions: economy, state, knowledge, the family, religion. It may take on the form of a neutral lack of transcendence in public life and personal orientation (secularization); it can also appear as an active ideological presence – an ambitious project to remove any reference to transcendence from public life in view of creating “a religion free zone” (secularism). In the first case secularity comes about as a result of a civilization process of subtraction, in which religion melts under the pressure of modern technology, science, economy, a new philosophical orientation, and political frameworks. In the second one, it assumes the form of a bellicose ideology which implies a specific agenda of actions against religion. Secularity came into being as an outcome of philosophical, cultural and political shifts that strived to free individuals from being subjects of the old moral order, and make them independent autonomous agents that live in the unprecedented conditions of novus ordo seculorum and secular, ordinary time.


Secularism, Autonomy, Religion, Transcendence, Secular time.

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Hułas, M. (2020). Źródła sekularności. Analiza wybranych aspektów sekularyzacji. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (9), 37–54. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.kul.pl/index.php/snt/article/view/6269

Maciej Hułas 

Doktor nauk społecznych w zakresie socjologii; adiunkt w Instytucie Socjologii KUL. Badania z zakresu katolickiej nauki społecznej i socjologii sfery publicznej; autor tłumaczeń tekstów socjologicznych z języka niemieckiego i angielskiego. Wykłady gościnne na University of Aberdeen 2007 r. i 2008 r.; Australian Catholic University Sydney 2012 r.; University of Notre Dame Sydney 2013 r. Uczestniczy w pracach grupy roboczej “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Sozialethik” w Berlinie. Publikacje: Ujarzmiony kapitał. Praca – kapitał według Oswalda von Nell-Breuninga. 2011, KUL, Lublin; Solidarity according to the Polish Project. 2012, „ET-Studies”, 3/1, s. 41-61; Public sociology jako nowa subdyscyplina naukowa według Michaela Burawoya. 2012, RNS, 3 (39), s. 29-67 i in. Adres do korespondencji: mhulas@kul.pl