Opcja na rzecz ubogich

Andrzej Pietrzak


The article discusses the category of option for the poor, by answering four key issues: 1) What is option for the poor?; 2) Who are the poor?; 3) Why option for the poor?; 4) How to opt? The category of option for the poor emerged in Latin America at the turn of the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century, as the fruit of an audit of faith and personal, communitarian, social and ecclesial life. The author defines the category, according to the teaching of the bishops (Medellin and Puebla), John Paul II and Latin-American theologians. He highlights the need for clarifying the meaning of poverty and poor, specifically of the current and theological understanding of these concepts. Next, he describes the main theological reasons of option for the poor: God's plan of salvation; theology of creation; human dignity; mystery of sin; phenomenon of poverty as a place of proving the fundamental statements about God and Jesus Christ; ecclesiological significance of the option for the poor. In the last part, the author places the Polish translation of the so-called “The Catacomb Pact of St. Domitilia”, which illustrates one of the promising ways of implementing that option in personal and ecclesial life.


poor, poverty, option for the poor, Church of the poor, CELAM, Church in Latin America, Latin American theology

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Pietrzak, A. (2020). Opcja na rzecz ubogich. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (8), 47–62. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.kul.pl/index.php/snt/article/view/6483

Andrzej Pietrzak 

Ur. w 1958 r., członek Zgromadzenia Słowa Bożego (werbiści), dr, od 2005 r. pracownik Instytutu Teologii Fundamentalnej KUL (adiunkt w Katedrze Religioznawstwa i Misjologii). Pracował w slumsach i ubogich regionach Brazylii oraz z imigrantami w Madrycie. Studiował w Pieniężnie, São Paulo, Lublinie i Rzymie. Uzyskał: bakalaureat (Uniwersytet Świętego Anzelma w Rzymie-1990); magisterium (KUL-1991); doktorat (KUL-2001); licencjat z misjologii (Uniwersytet Gregoriański w Rzymie-2005). W latach 2002-2003 prowadził badania w USA i zajęcia w Divine Word College, Epworth, IA. Wydał: Opcja na rzecz ubogich znakiem wiarygodności Kościoła, Pieniężno 2002; Teologia da inculturação segundo Michael Amaladoss e Mário de França Miranda, Lublin 2010; Povo de Deus segundo Leonardo Boff, Lublin 2010; Modele ewangelizacji kultur i inkulturacji wiary w teologii latynoamerykańskiej, Lublin 2013. Adres do korespondencji: akpietrzak@gmail.com