Udział ubogich w ewangelizacji na przykładzie działalności kościelnych wspólnot podstawowych

Ryszard Hajduk


The Christian laity is called to the ministry of evangelization in the Church and for the Church. In this work, basic ecclesial communities play an important role, because they are forming disciples of Christ and preparing them to bear testimony to the Gospel in the world. The communities have been initiated in the Church of South America and are centres of evangelization as a true expression of ecclesial communion (ChL no. 26). They also express the preferential option of the Church for the poor, because they are often created by people deprived of fair access to material goods and live on the margins of society. In the activities of basic ecclesial communities, the poor evangelize themselves first, feeding on the Word of God, to make it a source of inspiration for life and action. At that time, the poor are becoming subjects of evangelization, when they recognize the proclamation of the Good News of salvation as their task, not only with words but also through the testimony of life. The transmission of the Gospel occurs in interpersonal encounters in which the attitude of believers in Christ urges people to adopt Christian values and imbue in them the culture created by them.


Church, evangelization, laity, the poor, basic ecclesial communities

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Hajduk, R. (2020). Udział ubogich w ewangelizacji na przykładzie działalności kościelnych wspólnot podstawowych. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (8), 63–76. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.kul.pl/index.php/snt/article/view/6484

Ryszard Hajduk 

Ur. w 1966, redemptorysta. Prof. dr hab., kierownik Katedry Teologii Praktycznej na Wydziale Teologii UWM w Olsztynie. W 1995 r. na Uniwersytecie Juliusza Maksymiliana w Würzburgu zdobył stopień doktora nauk teologicznych w zakresie teologii pastoralnej i homiletyki, a w 2001 r. na UKSW w Warszawie stopień doktora habilitowanego. Jest autorem i redaktorem kilkunastu książek oraz ponad 80 artykułów opublikowanych w kraju i zagranicą. Obecnie prowadzi zajęcia dydaktyczne na Wydziale Teologii UWM w Olsztynie, a także w WSD Redemptorystów w Tuchowie oraz na Uniwersytecie Katolickim w Cochabambie (Boliwia). Adres do korespondencji: reich-hart@wp.pl.