Teologia przednicejska i jej aktualność

Krzysztof Witko


This paper focuses on three issues. First, it is about the context and environment of pre-Nicene theology. It is emphasized that pre-Nicene theology did not neglect catechetical and liturgical reflection (ad intra) while at the same time successfully entered into a critical and creative dialogue with both the Semitic and Greco-Roman world where first Christians lived (ad extra). For contemporary theology its means that it cannot reject historical reasoning, placed in space and time. The second part stresses that, in spite of different situations and all historical and cultural contexts, theology before Nicea was above all an understanding of Sacred Scripture to which the key is the Risen Christ as the source and definitive fulfilment of the inspired writings. Finally, the third part of the paper focuses on the existential and spiritual experience from which pre-Nicene theology originated. For this theology the Gospel of Christ is not just the rule of faith but also the rule of life. This leads to a conclusion that a contemporary theologian is a to take up an existential-personalistic reflection on Revelation using the historical-hermeneutic method.


Jesus Christ, paschal mystery, Church Fathers, Judaism, hellenistic culture, gnosis, theology before Nicea, Apostolic Tradition, Sacred Scripture, typological exegesis, Christian life, Christian testimony, martyrdom

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Witko, K. (2020). Teologia przednicejska i jej aktualność. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (8), 133–150. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.kul.pl/index.php/snt/article/view/6515

Krzysztof Witko 

Ur. 1963, kapłan archidiecezji lwowskiej, proboszcz parafii w Issy-les-Moulineaux pod Paryżem. Dr hab., Odbył studia specjalistyczne na Wydziale Teologii Katolickiego Instytutu w Paryżu, uwieńczone obroną pracy doktorskiej w 1995 r. Stopień doktora habilitowanego otrzymał w 2012 r. na Wydziale Teologii Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II. Jest autorem m.in. książki nt. personalizmu chrześcijańskiego Emmanuela Mouniera: Wcielenie-osoba-zaangażowanie. Emmanuela Mouniera personalizm chrześcijański (2012) i studium poświęconego myśli teologicznej kardynała Jeana Daniélou: Dire la foi chrétienne a l’homme d’aujourd’hui. L’’essai de Jean Daniélou (1905-1974) et son enjeu théologique pour notre temps (2005). Adres do korespondencji – witko.krzysztof@gmail.com