Christian Duty to Bury the Dead and its Contemporary Challenges

Tadeusz Zadorożny

n/a , United States


The custom of burying the dead is not merely commonly accepted by Christianity the way of disposal of the human body after the death. It is most deeply rooted and perfectly expressing Christian anthropology, revealed in the Holy Scriptures as a consequence of original sin, sign of hope in the Resurrection, and imitation of Christ, who was buried in the tomb. In Catholic view the burial is a corporal work of mercy, act of care for the dead and their loved ones. Gaining popularity the practice of cremation is accepted by the Church for the sake of hygiene, economy, or community. Human remains, also in the form of ashes, always must be buried or placed in the columbarium. Church does not allow the human body to be disposed via resomation or promession. Alternative forms of memorializing the deceased, though attractive esthetically and sentimentally, are not only outlandish in Christian culture, but also contrary to the Christian teaching on origins, nature, and destination of the human person.


mortuary practice, burial, funeral, cremation, resomation, promession, ecology

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Zadorożny, T. (2020). Christian Duty to Bury the Dead and its Contemporary Challenges. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (15), 233–248.

Tadeusz Zadorożny

Priest of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich, CT in United States. In 1999 graduated from Metropolitan Higher Seminary „Hosianum” in Olsztyn, Poland. In 2014 obtained a doctorate degree in theology, at Faculty of Theology in the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland, based on the dissertation: The Contemporary American Conservatism as the Expression of the Acknowledgement of Fundamental Values. Study in Moral Theology. He is interested in social moral theology, bioethics, and correlation between culture and religion. He serves as a parish priest, visiting clergy at long term health care facilities and chaplain of the Knights of Columbus. Mailing address: