Dialog chrześcijaństwa z religiami pozachrześcijańskimi.

Tadeusz Dola


Since Vatican ii there have been issued many church documents of different rank, which are explicitly devoted to dialogue with non-christian religions or contain statements on the matter; there is also a very comprehensive bibliography on interreligious dialogue. the article presents three issues which occupy a signifcant place in these works. the frst is the theological bases for dialogue. they have been expressed in the trinitarian structure. At the heart of the dialogue is faith in God, the creator and father of all people, in the Son, through whom universal salvation took place and the Spirit, which everywhere personifes the salvation work of God in three persons. The second issue, which is the content of the article, expresses a unique position of Judaism in dialogue of christianity with other religions. the importance of israel for the emergence and existence of the church, and at the same time for her salvation role for the entire Jewish people, is an important spur to the refection on the salvation relationship of christianity to other religions. the dialogue is diffcult to operate
without a proper spiritual attitude. this issue is the subject of interest of the third point in the article. Spirituality shaped by attitudes of conversion and submission to the will
of God, especially in the prayerful elation of the human heart, becomes a source of behaviours which are conducive to dialogue.


dialogue, religion, christianity, non-christian religions, theology, trinity, israel, covenant, israel, spirituality, repentance, prayer

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Dola, T. (2020). Dialog chrześcijaństwa z religiami pozachrześcijańskimi. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (5), 199–208. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.kul.pl/index.php/snt/article/view/7356

Tadeusz Dola 

Ur. 1951 w Zabrzu; profesor zwyczajny na Wydziale Teologicznym Uniwersytetu Opolskiego. Członek Stowarzyszenia Teologów Fundamentalnych w Polsce, Komitetu Nauk Teologicznych PAN, Centralnej Komisji ds. Stopni i Tytułów. Badania naukowe prowadzi w zakresie chrystologii i soteriologii, zwłaszcza problematyki zmartwychwstania Chrystusa. Opublikował m.in.: Problem komplementarności współczesnych modeli soteriologicznych (1994), Teologia misteriów życia Jezusa (2002). Nagrodzony przez Rektora Uniwersytetu Opolskiego za osiągnięcia naukowe i organizacyjne.