Specific aspects of theology in the teaching of Pope Francis

Konrad Józef Glombik

Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego , Poland


The pontificate of Francis has a specific character that does not consist only in the spectacular gesture and in a new language but is manifesting in the contents of his teaching. The presented paper is an attempt to outline the main message in the teaching of Francis and his most important theological inspirations which explain the optics and specific theological accents of his pontificate. The starting point is a presentation of the theology of people which is in the centre of thought of Francis about the Church and a basis for his understanding of social questions. Further, are presented elements of Ignatian spirituality which have an impact on the manner of presenting the theological themes by the Jesuit Pope. The last point presents a reflection about mercy, which is the theological key-idea in the teaching of Francis and finds application in the understanding of a lot of specific questions. The analysis of the teaching of Francis confirms that it is based on the Bible, the theological tradition of the Church and the teaching of the Second Vatican Council and shows specific new aspects which are voices so far hardly audible in the world Church.


Francis, theology of people, Ignatian spirituality, mercy, Evangelii gaudium, Amoris laetitia

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Konrad Józef Glombik  kglombik@uni.opole.pl
Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego

duchowny Kościoła Rzymskokatolickiego (diecezja opolska), doktor habilitowany teologii, profesor Uniwersytetu Opolskiego w katedrze Teologii Moralnej, Bioetyki i Prawa Kanonicznego Wydziału Teologicznego, dyrektor Redakcji Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, redaktor naczelny półrocznika „Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego”. Obszary badawcze: katolicka etyka seksualna, personalistyczne koncepcje małżeństwa, sakramentalność małżeństwa. Opublikował m.in.: „Zweieinigkeit” – Herbert Doms (1890-1977) und sein Beitrag zum personalistischen Eheverständnis (Munster: LIT Verlag 2016), Theological ethics in a changing world: contemporary challenges : reorientation of values, change of moral norm? (red., Opole: Wydawnictwo UO 2015), Kościół w Internecie – Internet w Kościele: społeczeństwo internautów a kultura globalna (red. wraz z M. Kalczyńska, Opole: Wydawnictwo UO 2015), Splendors and Shadows of the Ecclesial Character of Moral Thology by Polish Moral Thologians, w: A. Autiero, L. Magesa (red.), The Catholic Ethicist in the Local Church, Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church, NY: Orbis Books 2018, s. 173-184. Adres do korespondencji: kglombik@uni.opole.pl.
