Bible in English Literature

Aleksandra Kędzierska


This article covers a complex relationship between the Bible and English litera- ture from, to quote D.L. Jeffrey, „the swift Christianization of Britain in 7th CE [...] down to the present ‘post-Christian’ era”. The author concentrates on and discusses the most essential results of more than thirteen centuries of this spiritual insemina- tion, dealing mainly with a depiction of the most essential motifs and themes and occasionally commenting on various works’ generic and technical aspects. Although we see that almost every writer explored biblical allusions in one way or another, emerging as the most significant developments are Anglo-Saxon poetry, Medieval drama, works of the Metaphysical poets as well as those of J. Milton, J. Bunyan and Blake. Having reached this peak, literature seems to have started losing interest in the Bible, or rather instead of the mission to evangelize, it preferred filling the old purport with new words and ideas, the most notorious ‘deconstructionists’ being  Blake and his Romantic followers, decadent Swinburne and such modernists as D.H. Lawrence or J. Joyce.


Biblia, literatura, przekłady

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Kędzierska, A. (2020). Biblia w literaturze angielskiej. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (4), 167–184. Retrieved from

Aleksandra Kędzierska 

Profesor UMCS w Zakładzie Literatury Angloirlandzkiej Instytutu Anglistyki UMCS w Lublinie. Zajmuje sie˛ angielska˛ i anglo-irlandzka˛ literatura˛ XIX i XX stulecia, zwłaszcza poezja˛ zaangaz˙owana˛ – polityczna˛ i religijna˛, kto´rej pos´wie˛ ciła ksia˛z˙ki Isaac Rosenbexg and Wilfxed Owen. A Ftudy In the Poety of Woxd Wax I (1995) i On the Wings of Faith. A Ftudy of the Man-God Relationship in the Poetxy of Gexaxd Manley Hophins (2001), a takz˙e wiele artykuło´w. Interesuje sie˛ ro´wniez˙ obrazem kobiety upadłej w literaturze XIX wieku, two´rczos´cia˛ Oscara Wilde’a, powies´cia˛ Charlesa Dickensa i wspo´łczesnym dramatem anglo-irlandzkim.