Bible and Liturgy

Jan Miazek


Bible and liturgy are the main sources of the Church’s life. The Bible tells us about God saving man and the liturgy makes present the salvation given by God. The presentation of the Bible in the liturgy begins with the description of the syna- gogue worship at the time of the early Church. Since the beginning Christians read the Bible during the liturgy. The liturgy of the word was formed gradually, until it reached its final shape in he antiquity. That form was preserved till the Second Vatican Council. The Council resolved to enrich the table of the Divine Word and to read the Scripture in a cycle longer than one year. For Sundays and festivities has been introduced a triennial cycle, the readings of the liturgy of the hours have been changed, biblical readings have been added to the liturgy of the sacraments and the Psalms have been distributed in a 4-weeks cycle. The words of the Bible are not only read but they become prayer and song. The liturgical prayers draw their inspiration, words and expressions from the Scripture. It is Christ who proclaims the gospel, God speaks to his people and the Church listens to the Divine Word. The liturgy of the Word is closely connected with the liturgy of the Eucharist. During the Mass, the table of the Divine Word and the table of the Eucharist are spread.


synagogue worship, liturgy of the Word, Second Vatican Council, Holy Mass, Liturgy of the hours

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Miazek, J. (2020). Biblia w liturgii. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (4), 101–116. Retrieved from

Jan Miazek 

Ur. 941; kapłan archidiecezji warszawskiej; pro2esor Papieskiego Wy- działu Teologicznego w  Warszawie  oraz  Uniwersytetu  Kardynała  Ste2ana  Wyszyn´skiego; rektor PWTW. Specjalizował sie˛ na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim oraz w Instytucie Liturgicznym s´w.  Anzelma w Rzymie. Autor wielu publikacji o tematyce liturgicznej, tak z zakresu historii, jak i teologii liturgii.