The Bible and Christian Morality

Henryk Witczyk


The topic „The Bible and Christian Morality” was thoroughly studied by the Papal Biblical Commission. The article’s author presents the originality of this con- cept. He proves why we ought to speak of „revealed morality” and not about Gospel ethics, the writings of St. Paul or OT and NT ethics. Morality – as opposed to ethics – does not rely on freely accepted initial assumptions, but is man’s response to the gifts received from God: creation, covenant and fullness of revelation in Christ. It brings to light the criteria resulting from the Bible itsel2, which contemporary Christians should apply when dealing with problems that contemporary sciences, techniques and culture present, but about which the inspired books do not directly speak of. He stresses that the Bible itself, revealing what is unique and which does not undergo discussion, at the same time calls the faithful of God to dialogue with the world in which we live, particularly with believers of other religions.


moralność, dary Boże, człowieka, ocena moralna

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Witczyk, H. (2020). Biblia a moralność chrześcijańska. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (4), 89–100. Retrieved from

Henryk Witczyk