From Moral Theology to Ecclesial Ethics

Anna Abram

Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology, Cambridge , United Kingdom


The paper explores shifts and turns that over the centuries have influenced moral thinking and instructing on moral matters within the Roman Catholic tradition. The purpose of this exploration is to shed light on the current status of moral theology and identify areas for future developments. The paper proposes ‘ecclesial ethics’ as one of such areas. It views moral theology as a dynamic discipline, shaped by pressures, invitations and demands of the day. It claims that for moral theology to be relevant today, some fundamental questions (including the purpose of the discipline) must be revisited. It argues that practical realities in the lives of individuals, communities and the church as well as the Planet must be at the forefront of moral theological considerations. Contemporary moral theologians and/or theological ethicists (the paper considers this distinction) are a diverse and, we dare to add, divided group. The paper argues that building bridges in a polarised world (including the world of moral theology) needs to be a priority. The overall aim of this study is to respond positively to the call for renewal of moral theology as voiced in the ‘Decree on Priestly Formation’ of the Second Vatican Council and in several statements made by Pope Francis.


moral theology, ecclesiology, ecclesial ethics

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Abram, A. (2020). From Moral Theology to Ecclesial Ethics. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (15), 139–158.

Anna Abram
Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology, Cambridge

doktor nauk filozoficznych w zakresie teologii, etyki i psychologii moralnej; w latach 1993-2017 była związana z Heytroph College, przynależącym do University of London, Wielka Brytania, gdzie była kierownikiem Wydziału Nauk Społeczno-Pastoralnych i kierownikiem programu magisterskiego z Etyki Współczesnej; wykładała teologie moralna, etykę filozoficzna i etykę miedzy-religijna; obecnie rektor Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology w Cambridge, Wielka Brytania. Obszary badawcze: etyka cnoty, rozwój moralny, etyka eklezjalna, katolicka nauka społeczna. Niektóre ważniejsze publikacje: Education for Truth in a Climate of Fake News: Conversation with Thomas Aquinas, Bernard Williams, Wolfgang Künne and Pope Francis, “Louvain Studies” 42 (2019), p. 3-25; The Future of Catholic Theological Ethics, guest editor of the special issue of “Religions”, I 2018, Philosophy, Theology and the Jesuit Tradition: ‘The Eye of Love’:  (co-ed. with: P. Gallagher, M. Kirwan, London: Bloomsbury 2017); Moral Imagination and the Art of Solidarity, w: J. Salamon (red.), Solidarity Beyond Borders: Ethics in a Globalising World (Bloomsbury Studies in Global Ethics), London: Bloomsbury 2015, p 47-66; Sukces przez porażke moralną: Szekspirowski Król Lear and biblijny Król Dawid’, w: A. Glab (red.), Literatura i etyka: Antologia tekstów (Literature and Ethics: Anthology), Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2014, p.25-40. Adres do korespondencji: