Kultura, literatura, społeczeństwo. Interdyscyplinarność a metodlogia współczesnych badań teologicznych

Jerzy Szymik

Arkadiusz Wuwer


Culture, literature and social life are the “living space” of the contemporary man. They can also be “theological loci” (loci theologici), i.e. loci, in which faith can be born, is, or/and disappears. Both Theology and Catholic Social Science, using different methods and in different aspects, investigate these processes and attempt that, through faith, everything which composes everyday life, becomes more understandable for contemporary man. This paper is a reflection on the contemporary methodology of theological and social research in the context of the interdisciplinary nature of science. Thus, it attempts to answer the question how starting from different premises, Theology, through research of culture, specifically of contemporary art and literature, and Catholic Social Science, through research of the moral condition of social life and drawing inspiration from each other, can and should serve the faith of man in particular conditions and challenges of a fast-changing reality. The first step of both sciences is an attempt of comprehension: who it is, to whom the Word is directed. These are a specific seismograph registering of all types of “rock bursts” of times and places. The second step is seeing culture, literature and social life in their prophetic function, which consist in “meeting out justice” to time and place, to consciences and people. The third one is searching for the meeting and merging places of the human word and the Word of God. In every step mentioned above there is a creative interaction between Theology and Catholic Social Science. Postulated in this article the complementarity of Theology and Catholic Social Science gives hope, that contemporary man is able to elaborate uniform and organic conception of knowledge in order to reach inner unity (cf. Fides et ratio, 85).


Theology, Methodology of Theology, culture, functions of literature

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Szymik, J., & Wuwer, A. (2020). Kultura, literatura, społeczeństwo. Interdyscyplinarność a metodlogia współczesnych badań teologicznych. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (2), 318–342. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.kul.pl/index.php/snt/article/view/9763

Jerzy Szymik 
Arkadiusz Wuwer