VOX PATRUM is a patristic journal (quarterly), published since 1981, first by the Institute of Research on Christian Antiquity of the Catholic University of Lublin, then (since 1 October 2012) by the Section of Church History and Patrology of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. "Vox Patrum" is the only kind of so specialist journal in Poland, focused on early Christianity and Byzantium, well-known in all patristic centres all over the world. The journal publishes scientific articles, bibliographies, translations, reviews, and documentation of the patristic life in Poland and all around the world. Rev. Dr hab. Stanisław Longosz was its founder and the first editor-in-chief.

LIBCOM JOURNAL ISSN: 0860-9411 (Print) LIBCOM JOURNAL ISSN: 2719-3586 (Online) LIBCOM JOURNAL DOI: 10.31743

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"Vox Patrum" accepted for coverage in Web of Science database!


We are delighted to announce that we have received information that our journal has been approved for inclusion in Web of Science database. We thank everyone for their support and congratulate especially our authors and reviewers! More information coming soon!

"Vox Patrum" accepted for coverage in SCOPUS!


We are delighted to announce that we have received notification that the Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) has reviewed our SCOPUS application and approved our journal for inclusion in this prestigious database. We thank everyone for their support and congratulate especially our authors and reviewers! More information coming soon!

Topics of upcoming issues of "Vox Patrum"


In order to facilitate the submission of materials for publication in "Vox Patrum", we would like to inform you about the planned topics of the next issues of the journal and about the date of submitting of materials for publication.

vol. 90 - June 2024 - The Twelve Apostles in early Christianity and Byzantium - submissions closed
vol. 91 - September 2024 - Miscellanea/Festschrift of Prof. Henryk Pietras SI - submissions closed
vol. 92 - December 2024 - Created world in the patristic literature - submissions till April 15, 2024
vol. 93 - March 2025 - Spirituality of Christian Orient - submissions till September 15, 2025
vol. 94 - June 2025 - Menas - no submissions
vol. 95 -  September 2025 - Miscellanea - submissions till January 15, 2025

  • WoS
  • DOAJ
  • Index Religiosus - Brepolis
  • AtlaSerials PLUS®
  • IC Journals Master List
  • ERIH Plus
  • CiteFactor
  • Google Scholar
  • Année philologique
  • Arianta
  • Index Theologicus - International Bibliography of Theology and Religious Studies
  • Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics (BIBP)
  • PBN - Polska Bibliografia Naukowa
  • Worldcat
  • Elektroniczna Bibliografia Nauk Teologicznych FIDES

2023: 0,2

2023: 0,579

2023: 0,2


Index Copernicus


Full Issue


The editorial board of "Vox Patrum", in order to keep the highest standards, accepts and implements the principles of the publication ethics in accordance with the reccomendations of COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics available HERE.

An online version of the journal is its primary version.

The journal is co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Science within the programme Rozwój czasopism naukowych [Development of scientific journals]. Contract no. RCN/SN/0262/2021/1 of December 8, 2022. Project duration: 1 December 2022 - 30 November 2024. The amount of co-financing is 34 000 PLN.

In the matter of subscription of our journal Vox Patrum, please contact KUL Publishing House: wydawnictwo@kul.pl