Arriane sectae subiecti? Not everyone – a few comments about the circumstances of the baptism of the Burgundies

Marek Wilczyński

Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie , Poland


The earliest source testimonies of the Burgundian baptism contradict Gregory of Tours' claim that the entire Burgundian tribe accepted the Arian heresy.  Accounts of Orosius and Socrates Scholastic about the early adoption of Catholic baptism by at least part of the Burgundian tribe has been and is being criticized by some historians. Nevertheless, the reliability of the information contained therein cannot be rejected, at least in terms of the truthfulness of baptism itself.  The subsequent religious diversity of the Burgundian courts and examples from the history of other Germanic states of the 5th century show that the generally assumed ethnic and religious uniformity of tribal groups did not always exist, and that other heterogeneous groups could also function within tribal communities. This assumption should be the basis of modern research on the transition period of the 4th - 6th centuries.


late antiquity, Germanic tribes, Burgundians, baptism, Catholicism, Arian heresy

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Wilczyński, M. (2021). Arrianae sectae subiecți? Czy wszyscy? Kilka uwag o okolicznościach chrztu Burgundów. Vox Patrum, 79, 469–484.

Marek Wilczyński
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie


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