Contacts of monks with the world outside the monastery according to Early Monastic Rules from Gaul
Ewelina Bekus
UJD w Częstochowie , Poland
Łukasz Majewski
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie , Poland
The subject of the article are contacts of monks with the world outside the monastery according to Early Monastic Rules from Gaul. In our work, we refer to: The Rule of the Four Fathers, Second Rule of the Fathers, The rules of St. Makary, Eastern Rules and Third Rule of the Fathers. These rules contain rudiments that define the organization of monastic life, including matters related to contacts with the world outside its walls. Therefore, we analyze issues related to: admitting new monks to the community, contacts with pilgrims, receiving guests from the clergy, moving brothers between monasteries, going beyond the walls of the monastery, or contact with women. These rules enrich each other. They explain why these matters were so important and detailed. Such contacts could be dangerous to the spirituality of the brothers and could interfere with the achievement of the overarching goals - serving God and striving for salvation.
monastic rules, monastery, religious orders, Gaul, monastic lifeReferences
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Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
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