Joseph, the Husband of Mary in the New Testament Apocrypha (Part 2: From the Birth of Jesus to the Death of Joseph)

Arkadiusz Nocoń

Pontificia Università Gregoriana , Italy


From rich source material concerning Joseph the husband of Mary, the author has endeavoured to gather the most important data of his “biography” (from the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem to Joseph’s death) and to present his relationship to Mary and Jesus. The major concern was discovering the image of Joseph that was present in the mindset of people of that period. The answer to this query is that the image was variegated: on the one hand Joseph is shown as a man who was just, wise, trustful and devout, and on the other hand, as someone who was torn by doubts, suspicions and fears. It may be supposed that this had a purpose. It was to show him as a normal man with virtues and weaknesses and at the same time to authenticate his sanctity and message. What was that message? Such, that even being close to God, one may experience the “dark night of the soul”: dilemmas, sufferings, temptations and situations that humanly speaking are insurmountable. Nevertheless, having complete trust in God, like saint Joseph, one may have boundless hope, that God will not abandon his servant.


Apocrypha, St. Joseph, Mary, Jesus

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Arkadiusz Nocoń
Pontificia Università Gregoriana


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