Isidorus Hispalensis, De diebus, de nocte, de hebdomada (translation into Polish)

Elwira Kaczyńska

University of Łódź , Poland


The text comprises the author’s commented Polish translation of some chapters of Isidore’s Etymologiae sive Origines (V 30–32), devoted to days, the night and the week.


Isidore of Sevilla, Etymologiae, Christian literature

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Kaczyńska, E. (2022). Św. Izydor z Sewilli, O dniach, nocy i tygodniu (Etymologiae, V, 30-32: De diebus, de nocte, de hebdomada). Vox Patrum, 83, 473–506.

Elwira Kaczyńska
University of Łódź


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