Typology and Topography of Early Christian Baptisteries. An Attempt at a Theological and Historical Perspective

Piotr Szczur

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The article addresses a significant research problem related to the typology and topography of early Christian baptisteries. After the historical and philological introduction, two main issues are discussed. The first is to present various architectural forms of baptisteries and their decorations. The second is to discuss the topography of baptisteries in church complexes. In conclusion, it was emphasized that in antiquity there was no type of building that would be characteristic of Christian baptisteries, and would clearly indicate the liturgical purpose of the building. The erection of baptisteries was also not guided by Christian symbolism, but existing architectural patterns were used, which the space could be adapted to the rites celebrated in them. It was also pointed out that there were no strictly defined rules for the location of baptistery in church complexes, because they were erected in various connections with the central object, which is the church. The Christian and liturgical purpose of the objects is indicated primarily by their decoration with a Christian theme and their location in the complexes of church buildings.


baptistery, baptism, ancient architecture, early Christian art

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Szczur, P. (2023). Typologia i topografia wczesnochrześcijańskich baptysteriów. Próba spojrzenia teologiczno-historycznego. Vox Patrum, 87, 365–394. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.15951

Piotr Szczur  p_szczur@kul.pl
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3011-3404


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