Ildefons of Toledo Praying to the Mother of God. An Analysis of the Content of the Prayers

Paweł Wygralak

University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań , Poland


The paper presents an analysis of two prayers by Ildefonso of Toledo addressed to Mary contained in the work “De virginitate Sanctae Mariae”. Both the very personal form of the prayers and their content deserve attention. In these prayers, the Bishop of Toledo expresses his deepest feelings towards Mary, describing her as his Lady and Sovereign. He praises her for her participation in the work of salvation, but above all he asks her intercession so that he can be united with Christ. In doing so, he indicates what true Marian devotion consists of: it should always lead to a deepening of the relationship with Christ.


Ildefonsus of Toledo, Mother of God, prayer, Christocentrism, Marian devotion

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Paweł Wygralak
University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań


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