Hermetica Berolinensia II-VIII (Papyrus Berolinensis Graeca 17027)

Agata Sowińska

University of Silesia, Katowice , Poland


The Berlin Hermetic fragments consist of eight fragmentally preserved texts written on the Berlin Papyri (Papyri Berolinenses Graecae 9794 et 17027) from the third century AD (P.Berol. 9794) and the fourth century AD (P.Berol. 17027). Fragments II-VIII (P.Berol. 17027) are significantly deficient. The preserved elements allow, however, to assume that, in some cases, they are excerpts from Hermetic philosophical treatises or  untestified versions of Hermetic texts.


Hermetica Berolinensia II-VIII, The Berlin Fragments, Hermetism, Translation

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Sowińska, A. (2023). Hermetica Berolinensia II-VIII (Papyrus Berolinensis Graeca 17027). Vox Patrum, 88, 229–248. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.15996

Agata Sowińska  ascorpushermeticum@gmail.com
University of Silesia, Katowice https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3399-3200


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