Benedict XV, Encyclical letter "Principi Apostolorum" (translation into Polish)

Janusz Królikowski

Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków , Poland


With his encyclical "Principi Apostolorum", Pope Benedict XV proclaimed Ephrem the Syrian a Doctor of the universal Church. In this encyclical, Pope Benedict XV justifies this act by referring to the importance of his writings and theology for the Eastern Churches, as well as showing the universal significance of his figure and his theological work. The encyclical has not yet been translated into Polish and therefore deserves to be recalled and to benefit from the inspiration it contains for patristic studies.


Ephrem the Syrian, Doctor of the Church, Translation, Encyclical Letter, Benedict XV

Benedictus pp. XV, Litterae encyclicae Principi Apostolorum de Sancto Epraem Syro Monaco Edesseno doctore Ecclesiae renuntiando,

octobris 1920, „Acta Apostolicae Sedis” 12 (1920) s. 457-471. (Crossref)


Królikowski, J. (2024). Benedykt XV, Encyklika "Principi Apostolorum". Vox Patrum, 89, 7–20.

Janusz Królikowski
Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków


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