The reception of ascetic and monastic sources in Dhuoda’s of Septimania (c. 803-843) "Liber manualis"

Małgorzata Chudzikowska-Wołoszyn

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie , Poland


The analysis of monastic and ascetic sources concluded in Liber manualis is the main goal of this article. The author is trying to systematize borrowings which Carolingian scientist quoted or paraphrased in her own treaty. The deep exploration of mentioned quote will allow us to determine a compilation and in­terpretation method which accompany to early Middle Ages scientist. Above and beyond it will let us to ask some research questions about intellectual formation of marchioness from Uzès, her access to tomes, creative awareness and orientation in political and religious changes taking place in a Country.


Dhuoda of Septimania, Liber manualis, Carolingian literature, Carolingian revival, monasticism in 9th century

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Chudzikowska-Wołoszyn, M. (2018). Recepcja źródeł ascetycznych i monastycznych w "Liber manualis" Dhuody z Septymanii (ok. 803-843). Vox Patrum, 69, 105–123.

Małgorzata Chudzikowska-Wołoszyn 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


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