Boskie energie i metoda teologiczna w nauczaniu św. Grzegorza Palamasa

Mariia Hupalo

Ukrainian Catholic University , Ukraine


Gregory Palamas’ theory of divine uncreated energies is closely connected with his defence of Hesychastic prayer and mysticism of the Tabor light. His first and immediate goal was to articulate the possibility of theosis and participation in divine life and glory as well as the chance for a man to become God-like, though not in his essence, but by God’s grace. Mysticism and doxology, com­munion with God is for Palamas the only adequate context of God’s self-ma­nifestation and man’s reception of this self-presenting. This article is aiming at presenting some glimpses at the personalist and existential aspects of St. Gregory Palamas’ theology on the essence-energies distinction and Hesychast experience of the uncreated light.


essence-energies distinction, knowledge of God, antinomy, mysticism, Tabor light, uncreated energies, experience, enupostaton

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Hupalo, M. (2018). Божественні енергії та богословський метод у вченні св. Григорія Палами. Vox Patrum, 69, 219–240.

Mariia Hupalo 
Ukrainian Catholic University


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