Biblical exegesis in the syriac commentaries of Aphrahat, Ephraim the syrian, Ishodad of Merv and Theodore Bar koni. The outline of issues

Andrzej Uciecha

Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach , Poland


The Syriac commentaries analysed in the article are characterised by an origi­nal method, rarely appearing in the Latin or Greek exegesis. Both Aphrahat the Persian and Ephraim the Syrian, as well as Ishodad of Merv and Theodore bar Koni juxtaposed various propositions and interpretations of one Biblical event. In the view of these exegetes, the affirmation of diversity was the evidence of the knowledge of the essence of Holy Scripture. Such a mosaic of interpretations constitutes a primary feature proving the originality of the Syrians’ Biblical com­mentaries. Most significantly, it was the astute observation of the work of creation that provided them with the material for their interpretations. It is also possible that the knowledge of Judaism and exegetical techniques of rabbis played a cru­cial role in the adopted hermeneutical methodology. The analyses of Ishodad of Merv’s and Theodore bar Koni’s commentaries led to the discovery of the evolu­tion in Nestorian exegesis, dominated by Antiochian tradition. East Syrians from the 8th and 9th centuries widely employed the interpretative method of diversity, previously used by Aphrahat and Ephraim the Syrian in the 4th century.


Aphrahat, Ephraim the Syrian, Ishodad of Merv, Theodore bar Koni, nestorian exegesis, Syriac language

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Uciecha, A. (2018). Egzegeza biblijna w komentarzach syryjskich Afrahata, Efrema, Iszodada z Merw i Teodora Bar koni. Zarys problematyki. Vox Patrum, 67, 673–688.

Andrzej Uciecha 
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


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