The Western policy of emperor Marcian (450-457). The problem of Huns and its influence on the relationship between the Eastern and the Western Roman Empire

Łukasz Pigoński

Uniwersytet Łódzki , Poland


The reign of Emperor Marcian came at the turning point in the history of the Late Roman Empire. The Empire struggled against the Hun and Vandal menace and an internal political crisis. The Western policy of Theodosius II, who attempt­ed to keep a close relationship between both parts of the Empire, turned out to be a failure, and led to numerous defeats against barbarians. After his death, the mili­tary faction, opposed to his policies, chose its own candidate, Marcian, a former officer in service of a powerful general Aspar. The Emperor conceived a new line of Western policy, especially opposing the demands of Attila, the king of Huns. Marcian was reluctant to get involved in the matters of the Western Roman Em­pire, however, in 452 he sent an auxiliary force to Valentinian III, as a part of an agreement with Aetius, who convinced the Emperor to abandon his claim to the Eastern throne. Marcian also saw the opportunity to weaken Attila, and attacked the dwellings of his warriors beyond the Danube. After the death of Aetius, the Emperor did not support the Western Roman Empire, even when Rome was threatened and eventually sacked by Vandals. The cautious and pragmatic policy of Marcian helped the Byzantium to regain its power, and it led to neutralization of the Hun menace. The Emperor however did not make an attempt to save the Western Roman Empire from its internal political struggle and the Vandal attacks.


Late Antiquity, Emperor Marcian, Huns, the Western policy of Byzantium

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Pigoński, Łukasz. (2018). Polityka zachodnia cesarza Marcjana (450-457). Problem huński i jego wpływ na relacje między Cesarstwem Wschodnim a Zachodnim. Vox Patrum, 66, 383–409.

Łukasz Pigoński 
Uniwersytet Łódzki


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